means flying from charleston, where the government furnished equipment, the radios and so forth are installed in the vehicles, as they are delivered from oshkosh, flown to kandahar or bagram. they're to be married up with a unit and put out in the field. we are in the interest of fielding them more quickly and being able to use the air bridge for other freeup capacity on the air bridge for other urgent needs this spring and summer, we're beginning to put mraps on ships now. now that we've shipped a whole lot of them into afghanistan, while those are being absorbed and digested, we have a little time, we're putting matvs on sea lift, taking them into theater on sea lift, transferring them there to airlift, because the legs are shorter then, and you can pop them in more quickly. and eventually, to -- may be able to use ground communication, ground transportation the entire way for mraps, so you have to, in the case of logistics for afghanistan, look at every piece of the pipe, all the way through -- up the -- in the case of ground transportation, up the two ground lines of communication, to -- from karachi, over the northern distribution network, a couple of branches