from the wine country and culture in everett to the beaches of home for charlie allen tasia region of portugal offers a relaxing getaway at any time of the year. and with that we wrap up the show don't forget to friend us on facebook for more on the program as always thanks for tuning in we'll see you again soon. the. child pornography the global crime. pedophilia networks exploit the internet. perpetrators are aware they could be investigated and many understand they need help. with a company someone who sought out therapy. dark desires the battle against child pornography. close up insisting. the fast pace of life in the digital home shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information though which is fine and interviews with the makers and users. should in forty five minutes on the roof. as the last advance we shall some face music. be introduced. spending time the filter bubble. how can you get out. with you oh a series. of shifts this week on g.w. . moderate and higher going to hurt and further going to have dirtier and dirtier. the high glos