charlie chester was a control room. he is a control room director at cnn. i want to show you some videotape of him. this video was one of the biggest things veritas ever did charlie chester at cnn talking about cnn's mission. and by the way, he doesn't say that the most trusted name in news. charlie chester, it's in says they're a propaganda network designed to hurt donald trump. listen to this. i think i think we got him through this term. we would always hear shots of him. jogging. him and aviator shades and like it's like you paid him as a young geriatric. we were creating story. so that's that's i think that's right. i believe it that if it wasn't for cnn. i don't know that trump would have got voted out or focus was to get trump out of office right without it saying it that's what it was right there. he makes the admission our focus to get trump to help biden to put aviators shades on biden to make them look cool. and he says quote without saying that's what our focus is. so right there you you see what our mission is. we need more of these things cnn