i'm charlie doris a legally blind resident of san francisco. the mt apresentation mentioned there were about 70 public requested aps in the met. that compared to 8 huh huh signal intersections this don't have it. why there is 70 out there unmet out of 800 it seems like a low ratio. i have put in requests for 7 ownership 8 and one reason why the rit i don't is low people not know how easy it is to make a request. use the 311 number it it is a 5 minute phone call and i urge everyone in this room and everyone online to do that. just pick update phone, dial 311 and in 5 minutes time you will have put in a request. and once you hing that phone up you have done all you are supposed to do. it is all done and so -- that is the way another way i think of bring and public pressure on mta and where than i get funding is to have not just 70 unmet public requests but 170 or 270. or may be instead of one request at one intersection you with 10 or 20? i think building public pressure on mta which they use to pressure -- their funding sources becoming a squeak