plus charlie laduff investigates racial tensions across the nation. >> too many excuses. >> craig: while our leaders are missing in action. >> money is money. >> craig: this is "money, power and politics." >>> well of the night, we have a fo follow-up of our investigation on state spending on secret contracts with celebrities, and specifically mr. 35. >> mr. 305 checking in for the remix. >> craig: we know pit bull makes money in r ark p, but we don't know how much more he is making off of florida taxpayers. ? >>reporter: because visit florida, the agency that pays do deals in secret. it won't disclose financial details of other deals and won't publish its own staff salary and we are paying this private 70 million state taxes and next year 78 million. >> an enormous amount of money shrouded in secrecy to benefit giant corporations. >> craig: for whatever we paled, we showed how pit bull has given out shout outs in advice flit in some of his tweets the advice flit logo on a soccer jersey. congratulated florida for hitting the 105 million visitor march and tweeted visit hotels in florida.