please bell come charlie leduff. [cheers and applause] charlie, good to see you again. thank you for coming back. it's been a few years. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> stephen: you have a new book called "detroit: an american autopsy." what is the cause of death? what did the courneauer find? >> it's a good question. white flight, black flight, business flight we even have dead flight. >> stephen: dead people will not stay in detroit? [laughter] >> people who grew up in detroit who live out in the suburbs and are afraid of it, about 1200 in the last five years they've gone and got grandma schiewmed her and brought -- exhumed her and brought her to the suburbs to visit her. >> stephen: because they didn't want to go to detroit. >> they were afraid. >> stephen: you were away from 15 years, right? >> yes. >> stephen: why did you go back to detroit? >> i changed. i was the big shot norkts -- "new york times" guy. >> stephen: right pulitzer prize in your pocket. >> his a kidful. it changes everything. i look at it like this is what we're giving our kids. we have to fix wi