bottom of the seventh, daniel murphy has paid a lot here he gets to rico garcia. charlietwo homer of his own. the rockies take three out of four for the giants, 6-4 is your final. that is the sporting life at this hour. >> have a great night. he's selling it and moving into a bachelor pad, now that he's officially divorced. which is great! well, i don't know about "great." i mean, you can come and go as you please, i suppose, and maybe see what's up with the u.p.s. girl who's always asking if you work out, or -- it's great because we have the rare opportunity to choose our new neighbors. while still looking out for my client's best interests, of course. wink, wink. [chuckles softly] i'm in kind of in a delicate spot, stuck between my wife and the guy next door, but i'm pretty sure i can satisfy them both simultaneously. okay. that's them. that's them. everybody look like you're gardening. luke, grab that little hoe. uh, i -- i don't think that's what she meant. is it? okay, why are we doing this? this is their third visit, and we want to look good. [chuckles] what's so gr