the counsel for my lawyer, charlie shafer, was just give them a little bit at a time. don't give them a lot of information. don't give them any of your conversations with the president, and see what they do with it. the condition was that they not take the information i give them back to the department of justice. the reason i set that up as a stipulation was because i move if it went back to the department of justice, it would go back to the white house. as we learn from later, it's exactly when they did breach my agreement it would occur. it would go up to henry peterson. henry peterson takes it to peter and he would take it over to the white house. well, that was the same arrangement i had, and accordingly, after that those involved would drag the bushes over the tracks as best they could of anything i had said that they were involved in. they would call people and give them misleading, leading questions to try to tape them into things that were not true, and it was a further effort of the coverup. realizing that heats when i decided i had to talk to sam dash, that