no one would hire them but charlie walker tracking and construction company gladly employed formerly incarcerated individuals from the community and as he couldn't find ajob with his company he would certainly find an employment with a different construction company or a different company .most of charlie's life in hunters point he was fighting for resources, fighting for civil rights while the city in some cases was intentionally reallocating resources to other parts of san francisco . when we talk about equity work there's that still needs to be done in the city charlie walker is one of the last civil rights witnesses can share with you how unfair the city has been to black people over the years because of fearless leaders likecharlie walker , shirley jones, willie kennedy , adam rogers and eloise westwood and so many others i am here in this seat as the first african-american male to serve as president of the board of supervisors representing district 10 which of course we all know includes hunters poin community.