charlltte, suumer; ...//// áájuddáá... however...// won't...ison.../ until... june 24, -33 monnhs after... inauguration day....// & 3 3 okaa... ladies, ../ áágoodáá... dy forryouu..// ááaáá japanese... ompann.../ is... uuvviling a bra.../ 3 cool....// ácalledáá the... ásuper cool bra,á.../ bra,á.../ it's... made & ooling... gel pads.../ -3 cool mints.../ and.. bra... can lso be worn.../ with... a skirt... made of.../ mooquito pamboo shades.../ áábotháá are hanginggwinddchime.../ that in japan .../// is... believeedto ...// & sound.../ refreehing...//á -3áátheáá... company... says...// hey'll... startt.. making.... men's unddrwear... the... same way...// áábutáá... thank god..// &p minus the fan.../ 3 some realll 3 strong storms this evening -3 that drenched whole sectionn -3 of the countyy county. same story inntth &pciiy as the storms 3 unleashed all their energy. energyy 3 let's go to chief - look at what's happening now. 33 33& the pentagon cutt off -3 the avengers. the nonsense reason america's 3& anddthe hulk to fend ffr themselves. 3 how