what is chasity? chasity in one's state in life. contraception, homosexual acts, homosexual orientation versus acts. it calls to everyone in marriage. the institution, the sacrament, the covenant, what we believe as catholics about marriage and civil law. finally reproductive technology and cloning, things like that. this is probably about for a series of 13 shows. we're going to be ambitious in a few words. one holy, catholic, apostolic. apostolic means the bishops who are functioning as bishops today are connected to the apostles. there's an unbroken line that goes back to them. we believe even the scriptures and interpretation is linked to tradition. the bishops are the guarantors of that tradition. >> that leads us to the next. that refers to leadership of the church. usually that refers to bishops led by the holy father and teaching and often times an aauthoritative way. that's our teaching. it's part of the gift given to the church. >> an example of an essential teaching that the they may come out and declare? >> they've done