city military administration, there is fighting near chasovoyar, oleg sentsov, whom you know well, asoner of the kremlin, a former director, and maybe he was would be a director, and would shoot films, would stage from a play, but no, the muscovites made their corrections, yesterday he posted such a photo, which he signed. we are holding only two words, but these two words are very, very informative, in the meantime there is a clarification from oleg kiper, the head of odesa ova, he writes that, unfortunately, the number of victims after the russian missile attack on odesa increased to seven people, a 60-year-old man died in the hospital, and there are two hospitals in total. of the 23 victims , there are eight people in serious condition, in particular, in a very serious condition in serious condition, a four-year-old girl, nothing has changed here, the doctors are trying to save the child, tell me if we can show a photo with oleg sentsov from the temporal ravine, which he posted on his own page yesterday, it is very rare now that there is any news from him and... er, and such photo