. >> reporter: president trump took to twitter today to defend his recent positions an chast e chastisednada and china, the latter of which charges 16% on soybeans. according to the u.s. soybean exportnsel, ey charge all wto members 3% for soybeans and 13% value added tax. it's 25% retaliatory tariff would be on top of that, and just for the united states china said it would only retaliate if the u.s. goes forward with its own tariffs on june 15th. negotiators wrapped up talks sunday are briefing their respective presidents on whether that'll happen we'll see. kelly? >> yeah. the tone overall, between -- this -- you know, the headlines no progress de, is that pretty much accate? >> reporter: feels like the last beijing trip that the high level u.s. delegation took in the beginning of may they released a statement saying that it, you know, was basically ink inclusi inclusive, would brief the president and figure out where tofrom then. the vice premier of china brought a massive delegation to the u.s. where that truce resulted, t seems that, you know, with this trip being supposed to flesh