we've built a chatbot which can communicate with customers, so whenever you log a ticket or a query witht my cheque—book has not yet come in, now instead of a person being at the other end who will understand your query then figure out what to do, it is an artificial intelligence engine. that whole replacement is going to really change the way people are hiring now and the numbers there are hiring. you may see by 2020, i think, 100% automation on the low—level processes. things like opening an account, signing up for insurance, all these things which required human checks and validations can sort of be automated already. so how bad is the situation actually on the ground when it comes to creating jobs? well, to discuss that we've brought together a panel of guests — manish sabharwal, chairman of recruitment firm teamlease, kiran mazumdar—shaw, chairperson of biopharmaceutical company biocon, and mr dilpreet singh, who is the vice president of human resources at ibm india and south asia. thanks very much for being here with us today. i am going to start with you. so how bad is the situati