chatham andhristie i'm with catholic charities. my first question is about women veterans. i'm a veteran myself. even though i'm grateful for what the v.a. has done so far, there are a lot of initiatives for homeless female veterans, but i think that the a can do more. a lot of our female veterans have children and a lot of shelters won't house a 16-year-old. a lot of shelters won't take children, therefore a female veteran is limited in her options. a lot of grants we received from the federal government are more allowriven, and some easier access for male veterans than female veterans. what do you suggest i do our we do to champion those causes for housing for our female veterans? as far as fema veterans again, is there a coalition or something that is making major changes within the v.a. system, to be more female friendly as far as health care? things ofsts, and that nature, a lot of women have days to see gynecologists, which to me is a female veteran, i have the same rights as a male veteran. if a male veteran can get care today, i should be able to. answer on those qu