you fly the flag of the united nations to chautauqua. the represent international institutions like the world bank and international monetary fund. and i think people who work for nonprofit organizations who are dedicated to combating poverty, who want to promote economic development, who are promoting health care, or trying to promote peace, i think they are diplomats, too. so in that vein think of bill and melinda gates, and the enormously positive impact those two people and their foundation having on the fight against hiv/aids, the fight against malaria, the fight against to eradicate polio, which is nearly complete come on the three countries in the world where poli exists these days. think of a champion figure skater mischel kwon. you saw in the 11th. she has joined the state department part-time, as has cal ripken, former great baltimore oriole shortstop. so diplomacy today is far more diverse and inclusive as an enterprise than it was 100 years ago. and traditional diplomacy, of course, is the oxford english diction would say thi