the ly ppl tckin m chdrens me, and not verizon who i hpen to ha cll pne service with. that they can do this and anyone whoing a egrees to it is blowing my mind that they are willing to give freebie s to give up their privacy to get free stuff and it is crazy. >> well, gary b., good or business strategy that you can opt in and out? >> well, it is a great business strategy. verizon wants the data, and i am sure they will use it for evil corporate nefarious means, but that being said, you can opt t out. it is the same way that last week i wanted to use some app or somethi something. and they said, oh, you can go to the sign up through your facebook thing. look, i know that they are accessing the facebook information, but i wanted to use the app,and people are free to . it is smart of verizon to do it. >> jonah? >> it is brilliant and the future. and for all of the announce of the privacy, you throw in a $10 cable credit and everybody would wire their house with cameras, and the consumers is so annoyed, but they will look at what verizon is doing to give you, points to dis