[inaible] chehalis d they sd, "no, . [inaudible]." and he said, "okay, yes.worry,'ll write it dow" ehalis, d that's what iw. >>irst, eupeanstarted movento the ehalis bin, nurous lanowners here or mesteade, taed aboutow fruently ts area foded. in fac some caed heritn inlandea,, justecause tre was s muchater her every wter. and one ofhe things they write about is how important the native people were in helping them crossing rivers, on navigating the landscape. but then, as more and more people came, and more industrial interests came and realized the bounty of natural resources in this region, things began to change much more rapidly. >> in the early settling by europeans, in the northwest, one of the first things that would happen is that the valley bottoms would be cleared. flat ground is sort of the best farming land, but it had all these big trees. the trees were cut down. a lot of that land was converted. the rivers were also cleaned up of their woody debris. image how yowould ge e rivers werkind of like the highways. they were the ways you could get from