as an insurance commissioner, we used to face this a chelation with citizens who had no idea and had not counted on the fact that their benefits would cease and their premiums would continue. they had not saved appropriately. this was not only a huge shock, but something that forced a lot of people to stop buying their medications and stopped following the doctor's instructions and end up in the hospital again. this is a huge issue for seniors across this country who have benefited from lower cost of drugs, but when they hit the barrier, they are in worse shape than they were in the beginning. they have no help. >> what about medicaid? there was a major expansion in terms of increased reimbursement rates. covering people in many states that are below the 100 percent -- 1% in federal dollars. i want to stress that even though we are having savings for medicare and medicaid, we are improving the program significantly. >> there is conversation among providers in my home state that is not focused on medicare, but on medicaid. it often reimburses -- under reimburses doctors and family car