chelsea carpontier. >> say what you got to say now.bleep ]. >> i didn't even [ bleep ] do anything. >> everybody step in your cell right now! step in! >> the officers order all inmates back into their cells. carpontier and rooney are removed from the unit and taken to segregation. >> i just broke a nail. >> that's it? >> yeah. >> what are you guys talking about? >> a new girl was saying a few of us wrote a statement on another female to get her removed. it's false. they questioned us about her. we answered the questions. she was the source of all the problems, so they removed her. chelsea came out of her room from upstairs and started talking so i told her to come down and say it to me. she came to the top of the stairs, so i decided to meet her up there and she just kept getting in my face and she shoved me. >> the whole unit got in everybody's business. just stupid, petty drama. >> both women will receive several days in segregation for fighting. tensions continue to rise in another unit as well. enrique cruz says he came to s-4 on h