chemchina has done lots of acquisitions and is a very big company.ratio is 260%. sinochem is much more debt. explain why this is important to all of us, in the sense that it could become the world's biggest chemicals company? become the world's biggest chemicals 7 in become the world's biggest chemicals company? in terms of the assets it has, the power and the control of agriculture, that kind of thing. has, the power and the control of agriculture, that kind of thingm has assets, it has control, but i think it is especially important because they now account access to sigenta, a top—flight company in agriculture. so this is china taking over control of an awful at a big companies that provide food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals. —— awful lot of. well, the sinochem and chemchina merger, that is a merger between two chinese companies. it is a mainland story. what makes it internationalist is that chemchina just bought sigenta. the interesting thing is, i had to comment on swiss radio recently, chemchina gave sigenta huge powers in terms of nominating boa