the location of 30th and chenery and look readings at church and 30th. i think what you will see in the results i am providing you -- i mean in most cases -- not only do i have interruption of services the speeds are faster from comcast fiber connection at home. they operate i believe full coverage. that's the state of the art latest greatest technology at&t is using and it's performing at maximum speeds. it's the best available in the neighborhood so i do not understand and do not agree with the fact that we have a coverage problem or capacity problem. a couple of other things i would like to point out in the report that was filed on page 44 you will notice that one of the primary basis for the third party study i believe was a simpling of data provided by at&t. that only covered a 24 hour period of one day. hardly a representative sample when i can certainly tell you from seven in the morning to the evening including the peak hours at&t refers to there are no issues so i don't see how on earth it benefits the community or the residents on the border of