i gave an example and said that no one doubts that chenran was a scientific genius, not us who actually there are prestigious universities in the world and this was not segregated in these schools, and because he understood ordinary people , this high sense of responsibility and indebtedness made him return to his nation and help the disadvantaged people, so it is very important that we insist. let's not think that separating these is a solution that we can reach the elites. i emphasize again. correct identification of elites, not with these methods. alhamdulillah, if the friends distance themselves from the political noises and in fact its implications, and focus on scientific topics . they will admit that today the world is very different this is how it can be identified with a scientific method. and... then it is possible to provide the grounds for their upbringing so that every child in any part of iran is included in these programs as the human capital of this country and there is no need for segregation programs, so let's talk for two minutes. we will hear your final words. yes, i