by june 23rd, 24th, you are approaching the outskirts of cherbourg. you have thousands of german soldiers there. and this is a mish-mash group under the general, you have naval people and you have luft waft and, you have tanks and you mainly are relying for the germans upon built in fortifications, such as fort de roule, the center point of the entry outskirts to cherbourg and coastal fortifications and all of this. for the crowning assaulted on cherbourg, collins is going to do something quite unusual and to some extent innovative. the u.s. navy is helping sustain the entire beachhead regardless of talking about the british or americans, by guarding the beaches, where most of the real supplies are being landed, still, over omaha beach, primarily but you have a lot of powerful ships, cruisers, destroyers, and battleships that can be useful for any operation, and cherbourg, at cherbourg collins coordinates with the naval colleagues to have a fleet available that features two battleships and they will shell the german position in the harbor and tie done