passionate about the issue of deportation is it immoral for western governments to return or repack cheri young gun bans back to this economic situation yeah i think it's immoral of several levels i told you about the role of these very start governments that destroyed our society our culture on everything through cold colonialism. that's one part the 2nd part is the western government is very aware of the gumby particularly unique situation we came away from what they're called 22 years of brutal dictatorship country almost went into flames in december 26th in the collaboration of the international community we were able to. now the situation of this migration i don't even call it illegal it's just migration it's been there for years i'm not seeing this young people should not return i'm not seeing that at all across i know the situation in europe i know ultimately did have to come what i'm saying this whole rush to bring them back off of this problem started to be i think that's morally wrong because you know our situation there know we had a coalition government but the coalition government