joining me now is cherilyn, director counsel of the naacp legal defense fund. see you, especially on today when dr. king should be in all of our hearts and minds and his legacy. let's talk about what dr. king would have been saying and doing going into an election year about the state of our country. >> i know that we should refrain trying to project on to dr. king our own agenda. this was a man who left us a blueprint for what it means to be an advocate for justice and what it means to believe in equality. so it's clear to me that first and foremost dr. king would be concerned about the 800 federal workers that are without a paycheck. this was a man who ended his life helping sanitation workers with a strike in tennessee. first and foremost he would want the government to be reopened and he, too, would want mitch mcconnell to bring to the senate floor the bills that have been passed by the house to re-open the government. that's first and foremost. second, i think, voting rights. we all know this was a central platform of dr. king. we know about the selma to m