headlines, names like chernin and bain and mark cuban.allas mavericks owner had interesting things to say about net neutrality. listen to some sound. >> it's hard to say there's never a role for government. trying to introduce things that don't need to be introduced. some people would say we want to keep it the way it is so it doesn't change. i've talked to the commission, presentations in front of them over the last 15 years and they change every few years. they're politically appointed. the uncertainty associated with that applied to the interset scares the [ bleep ] out of me. >> people had a lot of opinions about that. what was yours? >> you know, he makes a good argument. this is a really interesting issue and i think mark is super persuasive. i think he probably leaves out the fact that these are big companies fighting each other for power, and at the -- when -- when elephants fight the grass suffers. i think consumers, i think the thing we have to think about is how consumers get the best, cheapest, fastest broadband access and i'm