cherrie atilano is the contact person for all involved.o meloto who dreamed up the project. he has received many awards for his community leadership efforts. for cherrie atilano, he is a role model and an inspiration. she chose to work with him after she completed her studies. >> there will be more peace in the countryside if we build homes, provide water systems, if every home has a toilet, where there is clean air, there is good public health, where people have jobs and kids are in school. there will be less rebels and less criminals. >> cherrie atilano grew up on a farm. since she was a child, she always wanted to work in agriculture. now she can make good use of everything she learned at university. mutual respect is a basic principle of conduct here on the farm. for many, it is something new to be shown any respect. >> i do believe that they compose the backbone of our economy, which is agriculture and producing food for our population. but it has been a while that they seem to be abandoned. my work with them is actually a journey of