also, and, again, cheryl adams is our city attorney. she has advised us that eight used appeal has been filed against this. today's hearing is not about the merits of the project. -- she has advised us that a u.s. appeal -- a use appeal has been filed. we all have to keep an open mind until we have seen input from the conditional use hearing, which will be held before the full board. today is about a special use district, a piece of zoning legislation that could accommodate the proposed project. the hearing is about not whether the proposed project and design is or is not a good thing. we should proceed with this hearing with those limitations in mind, and thanks to the city attorney's office for that advice. so with that, colleagues, i would like to call up -- we have a number of people who are going to present for about 15 to 20 minutes. i just want to call up ann marie rogers from the planning department. >> i am also joined by the planning department. as chairman mar said, this is just this for the transitional, foster care, and get