my name is cheryl brinkman. i serve on the sfmta board of directors but i'm here as a private citizen and neighbor to speak in approval. the live in a fantastic neighborhood. i agree with the gentleman who owns the bar de barbershop it's friendly. we're transit rich. wore walkable, bike able. there's so many neighborhoods serving businesses. i am quite confident that the new neighbors that will welcome in aren't going to be driving a lot because you can really accomplish so much of your life without getting into a car in our neighborhood. so i just want to say i'm totally in support of this project and i look forward to the gas station which is a big cara tractor going away and to welcoming new neighbors to our neighborhood and thank you so much for your service because i know serving on a commission is a labor of love and it takes a lot of time and it is frequently very thank less so thank you all for doing this and we look forward to more neighbors in our neighborhood. >> thank you. >> i'm lawrence lee i serve