fair inspector cheryl garrison. he fell onto the tracks who was in a wheelchair. she's been one of the largest contributors city wide of the 29,000 employees of the combined cherry campaign. our very own. and to lee manatello who was awarded an ward for the great work she's done. some highlights of employees that you've been able to recognize and employee recognition being important to support our employees. in terms of performance, all we have is the baseline data in terms of employee information and communications. this is on a one to five scale. we scored a 3.5 on a 5 scale. so work to do there. in terms of overall employee satisfaction, 3.36. on a 1 to 5 scale, in terms of performance planning and appraisal, a lot of work to do here. these numbers should be at 100 percent and our data shows it was 19 percent. 62 percent had performance plans for the following year, so we're on a steep projectry, but the numbers should be 100. in terms of stakeholders, we have post construction surveys and getting some external data. just a little bit in terms of finances. this