cheryl sandburg wrote that great book "lean in" but if you want to lean into work, you better lean away from the dishwasher. because one of the things that happens for women there was another study done, sanjay, and this is really interesting. 62% of women who were surveyed said even if they could afford help, they still wouldn't delegate because the person wouldn't do it right. so, for all of you at home, that have ever held open the dishwasher and seen, oh, my gosh, they didn't stack the cups right and you've rearranged it or you've refolded the laundry or scolded the kids when they have shrunken a sweater, you are screwing yourself over. so, for mother's day, i invite you all to lower your standards particularly on chores and start to get your kids to help. because the truth is, i have an 8-year-old son, a 15-year-old girl, a 13-year-old girl and, you know, my poor husband, sandra, i was laughing, because the last time i had a hot flash, sanjay, was right on this set on camera, so i'm hoping i don't have one while we're talking right now. >> let's heat it up in here, yes. >> if my 8-