chessen knew a world without roe's constitutional protections. now she like the rest of america has been cast back into a world without them. >> we can't go back to willow sticks and knitting needles and all the things that women have perforated their uteruses with. >> reporter: 60 years on and three weeks shy of 90, sherry chessen is a bit fragile but focused and fierce about what has been lost. >> the supreme court may be surprised to know there is light in what they've done. they have empowered women everywhere. i feel it. my granddaughters feel it. added to all of that is a great dose of anger. and we as women, i will say it again and again, we shall prevail. >> reporter: chessen's thoughts about abortion are, like the issue itself, layered and complicated. she thinks of herself as pro choice and anti-abortion. >> some people think oh, it's a form of birth control, pi go out and get pregnant i can have an abortion. no. that's not the reality of abortion. the abortion has a great ugly forelife, if you will say where you think can i, should i.