because chevalier also makes his sulzberger debut as electra sensational. short of one of the final rehearsals of goofiness in the underworld by far from. here we find ourselves in the bedroom of orpheus and you read to see who is played brilliantly by capture newark. the couple's love life has died out now they only torment teach about. when it comes to operational director barry kosky is the master of comedy and timing. the cost or feels she hates or fears his music his violin playing and she hates him their relationship is a torture chamber and she wants to get out of else. and she downloads to brilliant comic effect. and melissa holroyd who made that report is here with me now that looks like a lot of fun koskie really is a man of the moment in the opera grams and he's been riding a wave of success for quite a few years now often you see in the staging of these types of things you know you see a lot of cliches being brought out but what barry costly does very very nicely is that he could my comedy as profound as tragedy he can take a moment a humorous m