you don't have to buy a chevy tahoe. there is something called a chevy traverse, seats 7 pot -- passengers and it's much better gas mileage than the chevy tahoe. at ford, the four diffusion, they have a state of the art, top of the line hybrid system now that gets 42 mpg. i was at the ford dealership just last weekend and i got in an escape, a mercury version of that if you want a little more luxury where the city mileage is higher than the highway mileage because of its hybrid system. there are cars out there. you have to be prepared to pay for the hybrid spirit even conventional engines, you can get pretty good gas mileage with the well engineered engine today. you can buy a lot of ford products and many gm products with the confidence that they will have quality and durability of a honda or toyota. they may not be as fashionable these days for young people, but they work and they were very well. host: new york times magazine cover story, gm, detroit, and the fall of the middle class. that's in ruche, republican line. c