steves: chianina beef. -woman: white beans. -steves: okay. perfect. man: and that one.t is called chianina. tommaso: that's its name, becausit comes from the chianti. steves: oh, from chianti. okay. and tell me about this concept of the good marriage of the food, you know? tommaso: well, when you have the chianina meat, you want to have some chianti wine, and they go together well. they marry together. we say, "si sposano bene." steves: si sposano bene. a good marriage. in other words, the wine is from tuscany, -and the meat is from tuscany. -tommaso: exactly. you don't want to have a wine from somewhere else. that's it. hepburn cultural arts center in old saybrook, connecticut, it's the kate. ♪ ♪ chuck e's in love. ♪ chuck e's in love. i was very proud, i was proud-full. i was, i know my impact, and for ten years everybody else did, too. anybody sounded like me, it was the right way cyndi lauper's doing rickie lee is that cyndi doing it? or that's another thing. but then suddenly they didn't say that any more. with the tremendous success i had and prestige and power, i