and d for chicagago, that's se michigan, the largest body of water in the united c can do quitite a lo. and fittttingly, onene of the best wayays to explore c chico is by boatat as it flolows rit through h the heart t of the c. chicagogo is uniqueue in the t thatat it's not t just a lakake, but t it's also o a rivever town, asas well. yeah, a absolutely. and whwhen you looook at the rr wawalk, there's recreaeation, therere's kayakiking. we t truly want t to make t this a partrt of how w we live herere in chic. i t think the m most impresee ththing that y you do is how yoyou turn thihis water gr. absolutely. we know how to celebrate st. patty's day here and what better way to do it than to turn the river green. i'l'll tell youou what better wayay to do it.t. to celebrarate the arrrrival ofof johnny babananas, you u should havave turnrned it yellllow. ( (laughing) ) ok. problemem is yellowow water r doesn't nenecessarily grab the right connotatition. goining through h this wawaterway, i i mean, it's like walkining throughh an arcrchitecture e art galle. whicich o