we are very hopeful, particularly with the enclosures being installed t chicago tra chicago transit agency saw a reduction in operator assaults in a very short period of time. we saw this night and day transformation. >> do you think we have enough police presence or would you like more. you said you want to get to zero and o of course we all want to get to zero. >> the magic number would be uniformed police officers on 5% of the vehicle in service during peak time and we have approximately 720 vehicles during peak commute hours. since we don't have the fiscal resources for that kind of deployment we are relying heavily on data driven deployment. >> what happens when an operator doesn't feel safe, how do they call and what are their response times. >> i'm glad you asked that, one of the things that we have noticed is during those late hours, we have issues with people trying to sleep on the vehicles and doing other things and the police response time is very good, typically five minutes or less. >> at this time we will open it to public comment. >> clerk: public comment is open. seeing no