gerri: chicken gunja. i have seen the word. i didn't know how to pronounce it. obviously you can get super sick from these guys. deet, everyone wants to use deet. how do you do that correctly. >> you want to follow label, whether child, adolescent and adult. concentration of deet, tells you how long. if you're in backyard different situation than hiking. you may be exposed to ticks and mosquitoes. you want to protect yourself and family. west nile, lyme disease are all on the rise including lone star tick which is new in our area. in about 50% of the united states. you get bitten by a tick, within a few days, couple weeks later you're allergic to red meat. that is something troubling. a delayed reaction to red meat. people pay not fifth it out. if you have tick bites or mosquito bites work with your allergist. gerri: i have seen people get so sick from ticks. it is really concerning. what are one, two, three things to do to keep yourselves from getting ticks embedded in your skin. >> very important to do tick check where you might be exposed. light colored cloth