the most sparsely populated city in russia is chikalin, located in the tula region, it is home to 960 people, and the highest population of chekalin falls on 1956, when as many as 2008 people were recorded in the city. under the glorious city near kiev on those on the steppes on the tsitsarsky under the glorious city near kiev there was a bogatyrskaya outpost, they will force ataman was ilya muromets under data mania was dobrynya nikitich-lad yesaul alyosha popovsky son of course, one might get the impression that ilya muromets was such a knight without fear and reproach, the whole life that passed on the battlefield, but if we read the text of the epics, we will see the completely human features of a literary character. perhaps they testified to his real life, in which he was a conscientious and fair person who loved his mother, it was not by chance that he became so interested. ilya muromets. here, among other things, it worked. there is also the recognition factor. one must think that the lesotho knew his folk german well, and there is a mention of our russian hero in the poem abou