in addition, quite adults, even elderly neighbors, noticed strange signs of attention from chikurov.e, he is the same, open up the neighbor, well, i think, well, the neighbor is afraid, this is the same one, and you know, he is silent, barefoot, just once, he wanted to come into my room, i probably reacted somehow, well, i pushed him away and closed the door, how many there have been such cases related to ivan chakurov, it remains to be found out. this is exactly what investigators are doing, who continue to check even outside of a criminal case, but it is difficult to find out, most of the victims can simply hush up their story and not write statements to the police. even the pensioners who told us about chakurov’s strange behavior have not yet officially informed law enforcement about their experience, and the worst thing, probably, in this story is that a minor girl who asked to be protected from violence was subjected to public condemnation, in city chats, even in her yard, there are people who believe... they are discussing the fact that chikkurov is now free and no one knows wh