s eading with mr trump to stop the massac our village, and protect the civilians, children, women and elderly and to stop the spilling of blood. >> schifrin: the oprhanage and women's center are funded by americans in arkansas, including fromonway's st. peter's episcopal church, led by the reverend greg waen. this week he and dozens of interfaith lea to president trump, also appealing to save idlib and stop the russians and syrians. >> this is a "never again" moment for us. we're asking him to draw a red line with those forces, those countering forces to not let this happen, and to stop what could potentially be the worseri humani crisis that we've seen. >> schifrin:aphe appeal also ared in a congressional letter asking president trump to demonstrate american leadership in syria. s was signed by 400 senat and congresspeople, including top house foreign affairs committee democrat, eliot engel. >> we need a serious policy that pushes for a stop to the violence and the start to a political resolution. s schifrin: in the past, president trump ken credit for preventing an idlib onslaught. >> but if you look at idlib province in syria, i stopped the slaughter of perhaps three million peop