you're actually from the chile pepper institute? s, the chile pepper institute is housed down at new mexico state university, and this pepper, the long, green type, is the one that we're mainly known for. now, you have really tough growing conditions here. i mean, it's extremely hot and dry. oh, yes, it is challenging, but these environmental stresses actually cause our peppers to produce more heat and more of the flavor compounds that make new mexico chilies so flavorful and famous. now, these are a beautiful green pepper, and over here, you have some red ones. is this a different variety? oh, no, the same varieties will start out as green, and then they're roasted and used in green sauces. if we allow them to mature and dry, then they're used in red sauces. now, i saw a lot of this hanging all over town. oh, yes, ristras. they're not only beautiful to decorate your home with, but then you can also eat them. so once they dry, they just eat 'em right off? yes. now, what is this? oh, that's about a week's supply of red chili for a com