he has been with us actually from the inception of china s.f. also my fearless cochair of china s.f. at the time, thank you for being with us. and wendy wong who has kept me out of trouble in terms of numbers and finances. and of the transition team for helping my team and i create an identity for our new organization and making today a reality. i would also like to thank associates for donating to creative work on our brand. it is kind of cool, right? we are ready to stand on our own 2 feet. we will be spending time on sectors important to the city, and integral to the resiliency efforts, biotech, syntax syntac, food and beverage, real estate and infrastructure to name a few. we want people all over the world to know san francisco is open for business. i look forward to meeting and working with all the members of the council. economic development organizations representing different countries, and cities and counties throughout the bay area. i know we have representatives today from the peninsula and east bay. thank you for coming. while we con