>> chinatown cdc decided it should be an sro family with kids. >> we did a drawing based on the 350 ishilies we are in contact with. >> from there, it came to be that the mother and her youngest daughter would go along with the chinatown cdc staff are who would be an interpreter. >> we asked what it means to go. >> she would only have dreamed of this opportunity and she is very happy and very thankful. she is very excited that she might have a chance to see the president. >> but a huge challenge of the trip was how to get her and her daughter and staff number to the white house. wednesday, the chinatown cdc launched a gofundme campaign hoping to raise $6,000 for last minute airfare, transportation and lodging. a day later, they surpassed their goal. >> that is quite amazing. thank you to the entire san francisco community. >> the translator says she was nearly moved to tears. >> she felt happy and sad at the same time because she has actually rarely traveled outside of san francisco. the space is obviously very confined in the sro. she is extremely grateful and she hopes the community w