let's say there is the people 's republic of china, i do not idealize it, i would not want to live in china, to be honest, although i have been there many times , but i’m not chinesetrol the internet of social networks, that this is an illusion, that this is stupidity, well, as best they could, they fenced themselves off, yes, they created all these parallel services, so to speak, a huge number, they invested in a huge one. amount of money , they live there, they understand that influencing public opinion is too important to save money on it, i heard that, relatively speaking, control of internet content alone is monitored throughout china by several hundred thousand employees , but they can afford it at one and a half population of a billion understands, yes, but nevertheless they understand that this is important, and they do not limit these things in form, if you want all sorts of fashionable youth forms, please, but where it comes to politics, there they are... i i think that to play , to play such games, you know, so to speak , like, let’s allow everything, and then people will choose for themselves, i think that this is naivety, it’s already obvious, this is