my beloved character ching chong ding dong. i love tea. t i'm willing to show the asian community i care by introducing the ching chong ding dong foundation to sensitivity for orientals or whatever. john: asian activists demanded an apology. there are 19 million of us and we will not tune in for race-baiting. he took grief for this. >> he's a comedian, should be able to make fun of things. i grew up in the 1970s. we had blazing saddles. tv shows like all in the family. the jeffersons and sanford and sun where we made fun of racial differences. we made light of these things. john: it's forbidden now? >> you can barely bring these things up. if we treated it more lightly, we would get along better, instead people are terrified of saying the wrong thing, people are walking on eggshells, it makes it difficult to have a conversation. john: since this show is about political correctness, it's not politically correct for a black person to be conservative as you are. >> this is terrible. if you're a black conservative, people say you're a sellout,