part of the work the actuary chiron has done in this case for the city, they prepare a future projection of pay as you go costs associated again with just the employees and retirees on payroll as of the date of evaluation. you can see that snapshot of pay as you go costs here on this slide. so, this is a noninflation adjusted dollars, but it's providing a sense of what absent a shift the city will be on the hook for in future years if we continue to pay these bills on a pay as you go basis as they come in. it's expected to pay as you go costs will roughly double during the 10-year period rising from approximately 151 million to approximately 332 million in about 10 years, and that's an average annual increase of 8% during this period, so faster than [speaker not understood], for example. if we look out, of course, this is not inflation adjusted. and, so, we often talk about these kinds of costs as a percentage of revenue. so, if we imagine what this cost is as a percentage of our overall payroll in the city, we would expect, given the projections and the assumptions in the report, that t