chirs plaus-- (cheers and applause) but his promises gave way to disappointment and division. this isn't something we have to accept. now is the moment when we can do something. and with your help, we will do something. >> (cheers and applause) >> now is its moment when we can stand up and say i'm an american. i make my destiny. we deserve better. my children deserve better. my family deserves better, my country deserves better. (cheers and applause) so here we stand, americans have a choice, a decision, to make that choice you need to know more about me an where i would lead our country. i was born in the middle of the century, in the middle of the country. a classic baby boomer. it was a time when americans were returning from war and eager to work. to be an american was to assume that all things were possible. when president kennedy challenged americans to go to the moon the question wasn't whether we would get there, it was only when we'd get there. the souls of neil armstron armstrong-- the soles of neil armstrong's boots on the moon made permanent impressions on our soul