scientifically native, biocompatible , polymers from natural proteins, for example, collagen or chitosanatural chitin, are best suited for this role. of the most common polymers. on earth , such materials provide one of the best biocompatibility properties, since they are found in nature, including in the body, and humans in particular. well , for example, polylaxide material they decompose. yes, lactic acid, which is easily resorbed in the body, is excreted. naturally , different shapes can be transferred to the same polymer and a volumetric sponge of any size or a hollow tube that repeats the trachea or blood vessels can be obtained, and with the help of an apparatus for electrospinning polymer can be stretched into thinner. an almost invisible thread. we obtain non-woven polymer materials from solutions by electrospinning. this is such a method in which a polymer solution is subjected to a high constant voltage. in our case, the solution is drawn into a thin stream , the solvent evaporates and dry fibers are deposited on the collecting electrode, which is presented here. here it is in